Category Archives: Religion

A Time For Cleansing

Yesterday was beautiful for a few reasons: – I finished reading a book that was painful to read. Even though I struggled through it, it forced me to face the fact that I am not as ok with the things

A Time For Cleansing

Yesterday was beautiful for a few reasons: – I finished reading a book that was painful to read. Even though I struggled through it, it forced me to face the fact that I am not as ok with the things

Preparing To Be Taught

I drive about an hour to church and then another back every Wednesday. Tonight’s drive was very needed. The wind felt great and the time to myself was therapeutic. I became a bit emotional while listening to worship music on

Preparing To Be Taught

I drive about an hour to church and then another back every Wednesday. Tonight’s drive was very needed. The wind felt great and the time to myself was therapeutic. I became a bit emotional while listening to worship music on

The First Run & The Pain To Follow

Today was a wonderful day. It was warm! The sun was out and the family and I went around running errands and going to appointments. It was productive and happy for the most part. After running errands, we came home.

The First Run & The Pain To Follow

Today was a wonderful day. It was warm! The sun was out and the family and I went around running errands and going to appointments. It was productive and happy for the most part. After running errands, we came home.

What A Wonderful Weekend

Today was Michelle’s last day before heading to Dallas for work. My friend Josh and I decided to bring her to the “Home of the throwed rolls,” Lambert’s. We sandwiched it in between Sunday morning church and Sunday afternoon nap.

What A Wonderful Weekend

Today was Michelle’s last day before heading to Dallas for work. My friend Josh and I decided to bring her to the “Home of the throwed rolls,” Lambert’s. We sandwiched it in between Sunday morning church and Sunday afternoon nap.